Sunday, December 2, 2012


Wow! December.  I can't believe it's that time already!  Three full weeks and then two weeks off.  Only three weeks to squeeze in lots of fun and get some report card testing done.  I have so many things that I want to do with my Kinders that I am afraid I won't have enough time!

I spent Monday through Wednesday of last week at a technology conference learning about all sorts of fun things that can be done with an iPad and Android tablets.  And let me tell you, IT'S AMAZING!  Too bad I don't have one for my classroom :(  But I am definitely putting it on my wish list.  I also got to play with the ActivTable...It's like a Promethean board but a table!    Have any of you seen these?  Or even luckier and actually have one!?  They were running a special and they were only $6,000 ;)  But goodness they were oh so cool.  I could totally see my kiddos fighting over that hunk of a machine!
Two of my co-worlers and I admiring the ActivTable on the Promethean bus!  LACUE  technology conference 2012, New Orleans, LA. 
When I returned Thursday, I was so afraid of horror stories that my assistant was going to tell me about how the kids were crazy,  so-and-so did that, or this mom called and needs you to call her back etc...  But my kids were very well behaved form what I understand. Kiss my brain, I was a happy happy teacher! 
At naptime, my principal came to inform me that while I was out, I missed the pinning of the Teach of the Year nominees and that a student or parent had nominated me.  I was so touched!  I have never been nominated for anything like that before.  It was a very sweet feeling knowing someone else out there, especially a student, appreciates me for what I am doing :)
We started our "Santa Claus is coming to town countdown." I grabbed this for 50% off @ Hobby Lobby and I am going to pick a student each morning to change the number outside in the hall.  Its a dry erase canvas...who knew!?  They SO enjoy pretending to be the teacher and writing on things like this.  And to be able to go and do it outside in the hall...You would swear that is like being student of the year! 

We also were able to start and complete our Elf Yourself glyphs!  They came out so stinkin' adorable!  I LOVE how they each have a little character and they loved getting creative with the the glyph part of it.  I always have a few who like the push the limit of following directions, but this time it worked and they were able to show off their creativeness!  Check out these cuties!

This was the writing activity that we decided to put into the body part of the Elf!   We talked as a whole group  about what you needed to do to be an Excellent Elf!  The stuff they came up with! Hilarious.
I absolutely LOVE this time of the year, especially teaching the younger kids.  They have such a wonderful innocence that I enjoy being around and it makes for a happy environment.  

On the Agenda for this week are our mini pip cleaner advent wreaths, "V" is for Vixen, and "J" is for Jesus candy canes.  
Click here for the original post
This is a sample wreath I made and we are going to make them as a class tomorrow!

Max {My Elf on the Shelf} will also make his grand appearance into room 602 this week.   I can't wait to see their faces when they find him!  I also found the HOLY GRAIL {well not really, but almost} of Elf tricks and printables!  I am just going to pray {REALLY HARD} that I can keep up with Max's shenanigans!
Here is the site where you can download the Elf on a Shelf Printables! 

And here is a Currently Link Up with Farley at Oh Boy, Fourth Grade!
Please go by her blog is you would like to participate and link up!

I would love to hear what you are doing in your classroom this week if you have time to share!  I enjoy reading your comments!  


  1. Found your blog through the Currently. I love those elves! Too cute!!

    and Im now following you!

    Ms. Rachel
    Ms. Rachel’s Room

  2. The elves are adorable! I've really been wanting an iPad for my classroom too.

    I'm also trying to figure out what to get my husband for Christmas! I thought I had a good idea, bought it early, but somehow he figured it out and asked for it early! (It was an otterbox for his phone...)

    Brie @ Breezy Special Ed

  3. Hi Lindsey
    I'm your newest follower, I found you from pinterest. I'm a coach's wife too - football and golf. ( retired from baseball for the time being ) Love your blog. :o)
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

    1. So glad to meet someone like me! Thank you for following! I will be sure to check out your blog!

  4. Lindsey,

    Welcome to the blogging world! I am so glad that you stopped by my little blog and shared some love. Your elves are C-U-T-E! I love them!

    Happy Blogging!

  5. My husband is a coach too (football in the past/now basketball) is nice to have them home, isn't it? I vote yes on the Cameo! I want one too. I keep thinking about buying one...maybe Santa will bring us one.
    Funky First Grade Fun

  6. Hey Lindsey!!!!

    So you're not in my 'Rule of 3' from Farley's Linky... but I was searching for other Louisiana teachers and can you believe that you and are the only ones?! (or at least the only identified ones!)

    I, too, am doing Elf on the Shelf in the classroom! We started it today. My kids named him Ricky (who knows why!) They are PUMPED!

    Anywho, glad I found another Louisiana teacher! Come on over to my blog when you have a chance :-)

    Closing the Gap... in a Cute Outfit

  7. Wow! Lots of fantastic activities you got there! And how adorable are those elves?! Love it!
    I love the font you used for your currently, do you mind sharing? I am addicted to simple, clean! Thanks for stopping by my blog...I follow your cute blog too :)
